Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Birthday Calendar

Jan<11>Celine <15>Boonhian <25>Shuhui
Mar<1>Grace <25>Jiaqi
Jun<27>Ailing <29>Boonwei
Jul<17>Jimmy <26>Yujian
Sep<28>Jason Cheekiang
Dec<1>Aloysius <3>Jeffery

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

The Mercedes Benz Advertisement

"Life should be the other way round.

We should be born old. We'll rest for a year. Then we'll start work. And when we're in our prime and full of drive, we buy a Mercedes Benz."

Isn't it wonderful?! We'll come to Earth old and wrinkly. We start work, accumulating wealth, knowledge and wisdom on the way. When we're in our 50s, we fall in love and get married. And when we're in our 20s, young and energetic, we'll go around the world truly immersing ourselves in LIFE. Finally, we'll pass away as a baby, seeing the world as a beautiful place through our innocent mind.

Amazing? Not really. Fantastic? Of course!

Just imagine! At least we get to enjoy the fruits of our labour. Unlike now, when we'll probably be too old to enjoy our wealth, we get to spend our own MONEY. That's a motivation to work harder when we're old! And when we die, we have someone 'older' to look after and take care of us. Best of all, we leave, thinking of all things sweet and wonderful.

Awesome eh? WOO HOO!

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Theories of life

Some quotes:
"Having money doesn't buy happiness, but it's the nicest way to be unhappy."
"Time doesn't fly, it just seems to move more quickly, which is also not true. Time has a constant velocity and zero acceleration."
"I can't decide whether I am indecisive."

Doubutsu Uranai (Japanese fortune-telling)

chew on it!

Have you ever wonder...
If you can have a super power, or a special ability, what would you like?

Ok.. I heard that.. the ability to read people's minds eh? But wouldn't you be terrified if u 'know' that man X is habouring a plan in his head to rob the old lady? Or the innocent girl (or so you have thought to be) loves watching pornography?

What? The ability to judge a person at first sight? Well pal, human beings are not perfect. Wouldn't we be perpetually unhappy, knowing that A is a hypocrite, B is a fibber, C is a backstabber and so on? Ah.. I see you're argueing that if you knew about the above, you wouldn't go near that person, or take what he says with a pinch of salt. But are you sure you wouldn't be tired? What's more, you're not giving him a chance. He wouldn't be mean to EVERYONE right?

As for me, I'll like to have the ability to have the innocence of a child. Yes, maybe the child is naughty and irresponsible in a sense, but don't you envy him for his pure view and perception of the world? The little putti might be a nusiance, but he sees the world as a beautiful one. He carries no doubt whatsoever. He shall always be happy.

I shall learn from thee. Be hopeful, and pray that the innocence shall not be euphemistic in nature. (read: not naive)
What about you?